About Velvet

Vel­vet theme is a sim­ple, clear and mod­ern Word­Press pre­mium theme for busi­ness web­sites and per­sonal blogs. This theme is also suit­able for port­fo­lio, pho­tog­ra­phy and any kind of web­sites. It’s a respon­sive WordPress theme you’ll love! Try it now on your devices. After buy­ing the Vel­vet Theme you will get a beau­ti­ful tem­plate which is a great option both for begin­ners and pro­fes­sional users.

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Great support

We have devel­oped the unique and outstanding sup­port sys­tem. Every week we choose two options pointed by users and give you the oppor­tu­nity to vote for one of them. After one week vot­ing period we start devel­op­ing the cho­sen option and give you an update in seven days. This means that buy­ing our themes you have real con­trol of what and when we do. Be pre­pared for an update avail­able every week!

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We know that the cus­tomiza­tion is the most impor­tant part of cre­at­ing a web­site based on Word­Press theme. That’s why we pro­vide our cus­tomers a pos­si­bil­ity to mod­ify the typog­ra­phy. We’ve also pre­pared 3 types of pri­mary menus and other fan­tas­tic options. Using built-in color pick­ers you can eas­ily change the web­site col­ors to the ones that ful­fill your needs best. All of these are avail­able through our pow­er­ful admin panel.

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SEO optimized

SEO is our pri­or­ity while design­ing themes. We took care of the ideal code hier­ar­chy thanks to the cor­rect use of the h1 to h6 tags. H1 tag was used for the title of a web­site and arti­cles, which will help the Inter­net users to find the con­tents of your web­site eas­ily. Inde­pen­dently of a side­bar loca­tion, the source code is cre­ated in the way, which allows to index the web­site con­tents first and then the sidebar.

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